Текст песни: Пилигрим. Не гасите свечу.
You have to let go to keep living
They learned too soon this painful art
All the suffering, grieving, forgiving,
Never could take their hands apart
Game of jealousy played together
Through the windows of graying days
Swearing love would last forever
But betraying it all just the same
Candle burns in the night, keep it burning
All your prayers to the skies are in vain
Lonely stars in the emptiness falling
Will they die in this world made of pain?
It was long enough to be over
But games of love have so many ends
Happy smiles getting colder and colder
Blind of the night is your only friend
Time will circle around and spin us
But your heart holds the key to the light
We can tear down the walls between us
If the candle still burns in the night
Life is more than too hard for living
What is there when we’re dead and gone?
Soul touched by the unforgiving
And the light of candle torn.
They learned too soon this painful art
All the suffering, grieving, forgiving,
Never could take their hands apart
Game of jealousy played together
Through the windows of graying days
Swearing love would last forever
But betraying it all just the same
Candle burns in the night, keep it burning
All your prayers to the skies are in vain
Lonely stars in the emptiness falling
Will they die in this world made of pain?
It was long enough to be over
But games of love have so many ends
Happy smiles getting colder and colder
Blind of the night is your only friend
Time will circle around and spin us
But your heart holds the key to the light
We can tear down the walls between us
If the candle still burns in the night
Life is more than too hard for living
What is there when we’re dead and gone?
Soul touched by the unforgiving
And the light of candle torn.
Они слишком рано узнали,
Боль потерь и горечь разлук.
Тосковали, страдали, прощали,
Не разорвите кольцо ваших рук.
Птицу-ревность дразнили вместе,
Непрозрачностью серых дней.
Предавали из глупой мести,
Из ненужных пустых мелочей.
Не гасите свечу, не гасите,
Небо вас не простит никогда.
Две звезды на безумной орбите,
Разлучат навсегда холода.
Они слишком долго страдали,
Ночь ослепла и нечем дышать.
Ревновали, молчали, скрывали,
Но невозможно любовью играть.
Время гонит песок кругами,
Не теряйте от счастья ключа.
Упадет стена между вами,
Ведь еще не погасла свеча.
Жизнь устроена очень сложно,
Что останется после нас?
Душу тронешь неосторожно,
И огонь свечи погас.
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