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Volume 71 - East Of The Sun. Jamey Aebersold. Voice sheet music. B-Flat Instrument sheet music. Bass Clef Instrument sheet music. C Instrument sheet music. E-Flat Instrument sheet music. Advanced.


Volume 71 - East Of The Sun. Джейми Aebersold. Голос: ноты. B-Flat Инструмент ноты. Басовый ключ Инструмент ноты. С Инструмент ноты. E-Flat Инструмент ноты. Продвинутый.


Volume 71 - East Of The Sun composed by Jamey Aebersold. For any C, Eb, Bb, bass instrument or voice. Play-Along series with accompaniment CD. Jamey Aebersold Play-A-Long series. Intermediate, advanced. Book & CD. 56 pages. Published by Jamey Aebersold Jazz. JA.V71DS. ISBN 978-1-56224-229-9. Intermediate. 12 tracks of the best music ever written. Songs represented here appeal to a variety of musical tastes. Jazz players have kept these tunes alive. From the lush, expressive ballads to the grooving, swinging standards, the appeal of these songs is world-wide. RHYTHM SECTION IS. Dan Haerle, Piano. Todd Coolman, Bass. Ed Soph, Drums. East of the Sun. Falling in Love With Love. Honeysuckle Rose. I Wish I Knew. Just Squeeze Me. Melancholy Baby. My Heart Stood Still. Old Folks. One O'Clock Jump. Second Time Around. Ballad. Second Time Around. Swing. The Boy Next Door.


Volume 71 - East Of The Sun composed by Jamey Aebersold. Для любого C, Eb, Bb, бас-инструмента или голоса. Плей-Наряду серии с сопровождением компакт-диске. Джейми Aebersold Плей-A-длинный ряд. Средний, продвинутый. Книга. Опубликовано Джейми Aebersold Jazz. JA.V71DS. ISBN 978-1-56224-229-9. Промежуточный. 12 tracks of the best music ever written. Songs represented here appeal to a variety of musical tastes. Jazz players have kept these tunes alive. From the lush, expressive ballads to the grooving, swinging standards, the appeal of these songs is world-wide. РИТМ раздел. Дэн Haerle, Фортепиано. Тодд Coolman, Бас. Эд Соф, Барабаны. К востоку от Солнца. Влюбленность С любовью. Жимолость Роуз. Хотел бы я знать. Просто Squeeze Me. Меланхолия Детские. Мое сердце остановилось. Старые Люди. Один O'Clock Перейти. Second Time Around. Баллада. Second Time Around. Качели. Мальчик по соседству.