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Motetto on Words from the Book of Job. Samuel Barber. Choir sheet music.


Motetto on Words from the Book of Job. Сэмюэль Барбер. Хор ноты.


Motetto on Words from the Book of Job composed by Samuel Barber. 1910-1981. Edited by Harold Rosenbaum. For Choral. SATB Double Choir. Choral Large Works. Sacred. 40 pages. Published by G. Schirmer. HL.50486083. ISBN 1423404017. Sacred. 6.75x10.5 inches. Motetto on words from the Book of Job was one of Barber's earliest choral works and until this publication, edited by Harold Rosenbaum, existed only as a manuscript in the Library of Congress. Richly harmonic, this work for double chorus is a window into the composer's imagination and craft.


Motetto on Words from the Book of Job composed by Samuel Barber. 1910-1981. Под редакцией Гарольда Розенбаума. Для хорового. SATB Двухместный хор. Хоровые Большие Работы. Священный. 40 страниц. Издатель Г. Ширмер. HL.50486083. ISBN 1423404017. Священный. 6.75x10.5 дюймов. Motetto on words from the Book of Job was one of Barber's earliest choral works and until this publication, edited by Harold Rosenbaum, existed only as a manuscript in the Library of Congress. Richly harmonic, this work for double chorus is a window into the composer's imagination and craft.