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Im Zirkus. Piano sheet music. Violin Solo sheet music.


В цирке. Фортепиано: ноты. Скрипка соло ноты.


Im Zirkus composed by Antoni Cofalik. Jozef Rychlik. For violin, piano. Teaching Manuals. Performance score. Publication language. Czech. Polish. Hungarian. Russian. Published by Editio Baerenreiter Praha. PA.H7985. ISBN 9790260104112. With Publication language. Czech. Polish. Hungarian. Russian. Teaching Manuals. 29.8 x 21 cm inches. Young violinists and pianists can take a new excursion, this time to the circus, with tightrope walkers, clowns, and snake charmers. All of them have something to teach - with lots of fun and no dreary explanations. As if by magic, young violinists quickly grasp the mood of the piece, apply spiccato, glissando, and harmonics, learn how to use dynamic shading sensibely, and experience the difference between maestoso and grave. The pieces were written by the Polish violin teacher Antoni Cofalik, with piano accompaniments supplied by the composer Romuald Twardowski. They convincingly blend with Marcin Bruchnalski's straightforward and lively illustrations to offer a welcome diversion in all violin lessons.


Im Zirkus composed by Antoni Cofalik. Jozef Rychlik. Для скрипки, фортепиано. Учебные Руководства. Оценка производительности. Язык публикации. Чешский. Польский. Венгерский. Русский. Опубликовано Editio Baerenreiter Praha. PA.H7985. ISBN 9790260104112. С языка публикации. Чешский. Польский. Венгерский. Русский. Учебные Руководства. 29,8 х 21 см дюймов. Young violinists and pianists can take a new excursion, this time to the circus, with tightrope walkers, clowns, and snake charmers. All of them have something to teach - with lots of fun and no dreary explanations. As if by magic, young violinists quickly grasp the mood of the piece, apply spiccato, glissando, and harmonics, learn how to use dynamic shading sensibely, and experience the difference between maestoso and grave. The pieces were written by the Polish violin teacher Antoni Cofalik, with piano accompaniments supplied by the composer Romuald Twardowski. They convincingly blend with Marcin Bruchnalski's straightforward and lively illustrations to offer a welcome diversion in all violin lessons.