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Eight Concert Rags for Guitar by Scott Joplin. Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


Eight Concert Rags for Guitar by Scott Joplin. Гитара ноты. Промежуточный.


Eight Concert Rags for Guitar by Scott Joplin composed by Allan Alexander. For Guitar. Saddle stitch. Ragtime. Guitar Instruction. Intermediate. Book & CD. 31 pages. Duration 65 minutes. Published by ADG Productions. AD.ADG123. ISBN 1934163171. Ragtime. Guitar Instruction. Eight Concert Rags for Guitar by Allan Alexander contains Eight pieces for solo guitar. This wonderful collection includes music from the genius of Scott Joplin. The music was chosen for it's beauty and for it's accessibility on the guitar. All but one piece is four pages in length, perfect for performances, and are a joy for a guitarist to play. With Allan's extensive knowledge of the music and the guitar, you are assured to have a great collection of music. The music is presented in notation only and meticulously fingered for guitar. Although these pieces are challenging, they are very playable. The 8 songs included are. Felicity Rag, Leola, Nonpareil, East Winners, Weeping Willow Rag, Eugenia, Silver Swan Rag, The Chrysanthemum. Felicity Rag. Leola. Nonpareil. East Winners. Weeping Willow Rag. Eugenia. Silver Swan Rag. The Chrysanthemum.


Eight Concert Rags for Guitar by Scott Joplin composed by Allan Alexander. Для гитары. Брошюровка. Рэгтайм. Гитара Инструкция. Промежуточный. Book & CD. 31 pages. Продолжительность 65 минут. Опубликовано ADG Productions. AD.ADG123. ISBN 1934163171. Рэгтайм. Гитара Инструкция. Eight Concert Rags for Guitar by Allan Alexander contains Eight pieces for solo guitar. This wonderful collection includes music from the genius of Scott Joplin. The music was chosen for it's beauty and for it's accessibility on the guitar. All but one piece is four pages in length, perfect for performances, and are a joy for a guitarist to play. With Allan's extensive knowledge of the music and the guitar, you are assured to have a great collection of music. The music is presented in notation only and meticulously fingered for guitar. Although these pieces are challenging, they are very playable. The 8 songs included are. Felicity Rag, Leola, Nonpareil, East Winners, Weeping Willow Rag, Eugenia, Silver Swan Rag, The Chrysanthemum. Фелисити Rag. Леола. Нонпарель. East Winners. Плакучая ива Rag. Евгения. Silver Swan Rag. Хризантема.