
Ноты $31.56


Visual Sound. 1 Spot Power Supply - 9V. Accessory.


Визуальный Sound. 1 Spot Power Supply - 9V. Аксессуар.


The Visual Sound 1 Spot Power Supply was designed to solve a problem that has been annoying musicians for years. this handy 9V DC adapter only takes up 1 spot on an outlet strip or wall outlet yet can handle between one and twenty guitar pedals. 1700mA max. Features. 3 meter. 10′. heavy duty output cable. Use with optional multi-plug cables for powering more than one pedal. Guaranteed to work with any equipment that uses one of the following adapters. Boss PSA, Boss ACA, Danelectro DA-1, DOD PS-200R, Dunlop ECB-03, Ibanez AC-109, Korg A30950, Morley 9V, Zoom AD-0006. Will convert international voltage. 100V-240V. automatically. no transformer needed.


The Visual Sound 1 Spot Power Supply was designed to solve a problem that has been annoying musicians for years. this handy 9V DC adapter only takes up 1 spot on an outlet strip or wall outlet yet can handle between one and twenty guitar pedals. 1700mA макс. Особенности. 3 метра. 10 '. heavy duty output cable. Use with optional multi-plug cables for powering more than one pedal. Гарантированная работать с любым оборудованием, которое использует один из следующих адаптеров. Босс PSA, босс ACA, Danelectro DA-1, DOD PS-200R, Dunlop ECB-03, Ибаньес AC-109, Korg A30950, Морли 9В, Zoom AD-0006. Will convert international voltage. 100V-240V. автоматически. нет трансформатор необходим.