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Camille Saint-Saëns. Romances - Horn And Piano. Violoncello Version. Sheet Music. French Horn. Cello. Piano Accompaniment. HN. VLC. PFA. Camille Saint-Saëns.


Камиль Сен-Санс. Романсы - и валторны. Violoncello Version. Ноты. Валторна. Виолончель. Сопровождении фортепиано. HN. VLC. PFA. Камиль Сен-Санс.


Camille Saint-Saëns composed his two Romances for Horn for two of the most respected French horn players of the time. Opus 67 in E major from 1866 is dedicated to Henri Chaussier. Opus 36 in F major from 1874 was written for Henri Garigue. Despite the illustrious recipients, they are not virtuosic showpieces but – as the term Romance suggests – short “Songs without words”. Alongside the orchestral version, Saint-Saëns also prepared a piano accompaniment for chamber music performances. The first editions even also had an alternative part for Violoncello, on which this edition is based.


Камиль Сен-Санс сочинил две свои романсы для валторны для двух из самых уважаемых французских игроков Рога времени. Опус 67 ми мажор с 1866 посвящен Анри Chaussier. Опус 36 фа мажор с 1874 была написана для Анри Гарик. Despite the illustrious recipients, they are not virtuosic showpieces but – as the term Romance suggests – short “Songs without words”. Наряду с оркестровой версии, Сен-Санс также подготовил фортепиано аккомпанемент для камерной музыки. The first editions even also had an alternative part for Violoncello, on which this edition is based.