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Handbook of Guitar and Lute Composers. Book. Guitar. GTR.


Справочник гитары и лютни композиторов. Книга. Гитара. GTR.


In compiling this landmark sourcebook, Finnish guitarists Hannu Annala and Heiki Matlik consulted more than 70 music texts as well as dozens of composer resumes acquired from the musical information centers of several countries. During the writing process, which lasted for more than three years, they received additional information from many modern composers, including Leo Brouwer and Reginald Smith Brindle among others. In addition, several internationally renowned performing guitarists provided valuable information. these include Magnus Andersson. Sweden. , Remi Boucher. Canada. , Margarita Escarpa. Spain. , Aleksander Frauchi. Russia. and David Tanenbaum. USA. among others. The authors’ aim was to write a well-structured book with separate chapters for each instrument, such as the Renaissance and Baroque guitar, the Renaissance and Baroque lute, the vihuela, etc. This unique structure enables the reader to easily discover which composers wrote for a certain instrument during any given period. In addition to the composers one would expect to find in such a comprehensive listing, the book documents several historical and modern composers for whom little previous information has been available. The book’s list of more than 400 guitar and lute concertos dating from the Baroque era to the present day is a totally unprecedented. Short introductions regarding guitar and lute-like instruments as well as their basic histories are provided at the beginning of the book. The authors hope that the Handbook of Guitar and Lute Composers will serve as a practical guide for both amateurs and professionals, encouraging further study of the history of these instruments and expanding the repertoire heard on today’s concert stage.


При составлении этого знаменательного сборник материалов, финские гитаристы Ханну Annala и Хейки Мятлик консультации более 70 музыкальных текстов, а также десятки композиторов резюме, приобретенных у музыкальных информационных центров ряда стран. Во время процесса записи, который длился более трех лет, они получили дополнительную информацию от многих современных композиторов, в том числе Лео Брауэра и Реджинальд Смит тигровый окрас среди других. Кроме того, несколько всемирно известных исполнительских гитаристы предоставил ценную информацию. к ним относятся Magnus Andersson. Швеция. Реми Буше. Канада. , Маргарита Escarpa. Испания. Александр Фраучи. Россия. и Дэвид Таненбаум. США. в частности. The authors’ aim was to write a well-structured book with separate chapters for each instrument, such as the Renaissance and Baroque guitar, the Renaissance and Baroque lute, the vihuela, etc. Эта уникальная структура позволяет читателю легко обнаружить, какие композиторы писали для определенного инструмента при любой данный период. В дополнение к композиторов можно было бы ожидать, чтобы найти таким полного списка, книга документирует несколько исторических и современных композиторов, для которых мало предыдущая информация была доступной. The book’s list of more than 400 guitar and lute concertos dating from the Baroque era to the present day is a totally unprecedented. Короткие введения в отношении гитарных и лютни, как документов, а также их основных историй предоставляются в начале книги. The authors hope that the Handbook of Guitar and Lute Composers will serve as a practical guide for both amateurs and professionals, encouraging further study of the history of these instruments and expanding the repertoire heard on today’s concert stage.