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Position 2 Viola Bk/cd

Position 2 Viola Bk/cd 27 pieces to play in second position by Nico Dezaire Viola Solo - Sheet Music

By Nico Dezaire
Position 2 Viola Bk/cd by Nico Dezaire Viola Solo - Sheet Music
Position 2 Viola Bk/cd by Nico Dezaire Viola Solo - Sheet Music
Viola - intermediate

SKU: HL.44007502

27 pieces to play in second position. Composed by Nico Dezaire. De Haske Play-Along Book. Book with CD. Composed 2007. 28 pages. De Haske Publications #1074344. Published by De Haske Publications (HL.44007502).

ISBN 9789043128551. UPC: 884088260040. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.

5 Collections to give a structured training scheme for the viola player to play in position.Position 2 is an instructive and stimulating introduction to the second position for viola players who have some playing experience in the first position. It is not necessary to learn the third position before beginning this book. Twelve exercises and 27 tunes in different styles with accompaniment on the CD provide an excellent basis for learning the second position.

Position 2 bevat 12 oefeningen en 27 speelstukken die het spel in de tweede positie introduceren en verdiepen. Met de meespeel-cd wordt het oefenen dubbel zo leuk!

Funf Bucher zur einfachen, strukturierten Einfuhrung ins Lagenspiel auf der Viola. Position 2 fuhrt Bratschisten, die etwas Erfahrung in der ersten Lage mitbringen, in zwolf gut durchdachten, lehrreichen Ubungen und 27 Spielstucken in das Spiel in der zweiten Lage ein. Mit der grossartigen Begleit-CD wird das Uben in der zweiten Lage zu einer wunderbaren Erfahrung!

4 Collections to give a structured training scheme for the viola player to play in position.Position 2 is an instructive and stimulating introduction to the second position for viola players who have some playing experience in the first position. It is not necessary to learn the third position before beginning this book. Twelve exercises and 27 tunes in different styles with accompaniment on the CD provide an excellent basis for learning the second position.

5 pubblicazioni per apprendere facilmente a suonare con le prime posizioni.Position 2 propone, in un contesto pedagogico attuale, esercizi vari e un accompagnamento su CD per imparare a suonare in seconda posizione con piacere e motivazione. Affiancata ai metodi di studio tradizionali, questa pubblicazione rendera piu accattivante e divertente avvicinarsi al mondo della musica.

  • Canon
  • Andante
  • Dance
  • Wedding March
  • A New Song
  • Ballad
  • Buenos Aires
  • Nicolas' Song
  • May Song
  • Hungarian Song
  • An Old Song
  • Return of the Chicken Cheeps
  • Espana Waltz
  • Fu Manchu
  • Dream Waltz
  • At the Party
  • Nick's Jig
  • Cookie's Song
  • The Royal Entrance
  • Pease Pudding
  • Theme from String Quartet
  • Mary and the Fiddler
  • Elephant Blues
  • Sitting Bull
  • Camille's Turtles
  • Final Theme
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