Тяжела и неказиста жизнь артиста, жизнь артиста правда, интересно нет, правда интересный бред, пусть помолчат согласные, а гласные звучат, А-а-а-а-о,
1 Артист - не приспособленное к жизни дерьмо Ты можешь клянчить только "кэш" у сильных мира сего Заводы, блядь, стоят, одни, блядь, гитаристы в стране
Every time I think of you I feel the coldest chill I think about your great escape An artist with expert skills It's painful when you're not around But
I am the entertainer and I know just where I stand Another serenader and another longhaired band Today I am your champion, I may have won your hearts
There's a woman in the wardrobe singing Beatles out of tune, And a salesman in the corner trying to blow up a burst balloon, And the Managing Director
AIR CORPS LAMENT Mine eyes have seen the days of men who ruled the fighting sky With hearts that laughed at death and lived for nothing but to fly But
Advice to the Lovelorn (John Fryer) I'm Blue-eyes of Scunthorpe, I need some advice, For I've been a bad girl (why was it so
ABSALOM (ROUND) Oh, Absalom, Oh Absalom, my son, my son, Oh, Absalom. Oh Absalom, my son, my son. Oh Absalom, my son, my son. Would God I had died,
A NATION ONCE AGAIN When boyhood's fire was in my blood I read of ancient freemen, For Greece and Rome who bravely stood, Three hundred men and three
ADAM GORMAN 'Twas 'round about the Martin-mass, When north winds froze the lake, Said Adam Gorman to his men, "We must some castle take!" "And what brave
ANDREW MARTEEN In bon-ey Scotland three brothers did dwell, Three brothers did dwell, the three And all did cast lots to see which of them Would go robbing
A Fenian Song The Queen's Own Regiment was their name; From fair Toronto town they came To put the Irish all to shame - The Queen's and Colonel Boker
ALLISON GROSS Oh, Allison Gross, that lives in yon tower The ugliest witch in the north country Has trysted me one day up in her bower And many fair speech
ALMA MATER (CORNELL) FAR ABOVE CAYUGA'S WATERS Far above Cayuga's waters With it's waves of blue Stands our noble alma mater Glorious to view Lift
ADAM CATCHED EVE (round) (1)Adam catched Eve by the furbelow, Adam catched Eve by the furbelow (2)And that's the oldest catch I know, And that's the oldest
ALOUETTE Alouette, gentile Alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai la tete, Je te plumerai la tete, Et la tete, et la tete, OH! Alouette, gentile
ANN O' HETHERSGILL The fairest maids o' Britain's Isle 'Mang Cumbria's mountains dwells Sweet budding flowers unseen They bloom by moorland, glen, or
AFTER THE STRIKE (Joseph A. Hemer) Air-"After the Ball" Once a pretty maiden climbed an old man's knee Asked for a story-"Papa tell me, Why are