мальчик Билли, Жадный был,кидал всех сильно, Обзывался,матерился,предавал друзей! Пр: Мальчик Билли, мальчик Билли, Мы тебя наверно мало били, Мало, мало били! Мальчик Билли
Джимми и Билли всего в изобилье - Давай не зевай, сортируй, собирай!.. И Джимми и Билли давно позабыли, Когда собирали такой урожай. И Джимми и Билли
ударился головой Айяяяйяяй, у Билли Гейтса, у Билли Гейтса, у Билли Родилась идея Windows 95 внедрить в мире Айяяяйяяй, у Билли Гейтса, у Билли Гейтса, у Билли
боюсь оставаться одна... В пол педаль, открыты окна, это было так жестоко Больше мимо не пройдешь ты, Дима! Как в истории про Билла Я Любовь свою убила
[Eminem - Verse 1] Better watch out sucker now I got ya where I want ya, onslaught, coming and Im packing in my Lancia, bunch a missile launcher and a
Now I've had the time of my life No I never felt like this before Yes, I swear it's the truth And I owe it all to you 'Cause I've had the time of my life
If you search for tenderness It isn't hard to find. You can have the love you need to live. But if you look for truthfulness You might just as well
Who knows what tomorrow will bring, all we have is today Maybe this is the calm before the storm Who can really say, who can really say I want to
Every day that you pull me under I don't know what to believe Never saying a word to each other I know that I'm waiting On a love that's like
You'd think by now I'd have figured it out At least just a little bit, but I get turned around Headed the wrong way down a one way And I always thought
He calls his child Jesus 'Cause he likes the name And he sends him to the finest school in town Levon, Levon likes his money He makes a lot they say
Souls collide, stars align when I found you Endorphin highs, cloud my mind Still I look for you And I fumble through the maze and you're hiding when
This conversation's boring it goes nowhere And it feels like I'm waiting for something And I'm watching shadows crawling up my wall And I'm wondering
march on worker bees! know your enemy! we take our orders given by the queen we're not the killers we're the worker bees if you resist us you will feel
Urban Hipster, the new gangster A new wave mannequin packin Magazines from overseas, won They trade in their hearts for indie rock charts to tell them
like a target dranw across my chest, she's a bullet in russian roulette you said you'd never turn your back on me? rescue me! rescue me! would you stand
She reads a book from across the street, Waiting for someone that she'll never meet Talk over coffee for an hour or two, She wonders why I'm always in
A slap in the face, And I can't erase, These things that you say, Don't make it all okay, it's not okay When push comes to shove, I'll put on the gloves