прямо, делать нечего, Мы приземлимся за столом, Поговорим о том, о сём, И нашу песенку любимую споём! Пора в путь-дорогу, Дорогу дальнюю, дальнюю, дальнюю
Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings
Underneath the bridge Tap has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped All become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings from the ceiling
there's always something in the way telling me that I should stay there's always something new your holding on too and I just cant seem to see it through
There's a way to carry on To push me out then place me back where I belong There's a way to make anew To resurrect the wishes that I wish for you I'm
Nobody knows how to tie the simple knots that I know Getting weak in the knees and your bruises are beginning to show The only way she knows how to
Lady you're looking mighty fine tonight Makes me just feel I wanna hold you right Come let me take you on a ride with me Oh girl you give me everything
Religon! In the town of bethlehem many years ago A man got religion and he changed the staus quo He went around the countryside preaching brotherhood
underneath the bridge the tap has sprung a leak and the animals i've trapped well they've all become my pets. and i'm livin off the grass and drippin'
Everybody's always talking, asking me why I dont know what to say, he's not my guy Though I'm always walking you never notice me You didn't even think
Dans ma ville, il pleut tout le temps Et je m'engueule avec mes parents Mais je m'en fous, tout est bien Je reprends la route demain Mes amis n'y ont
Ich bin den weiten Weg gegangen Und oft im Kreis, und oft im Kreise Ich bin den weiten Weg gegangen Nur weise, nein weise wurde ich nicht Ich bin den
Hawkman : Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And all the animals i have trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off the grass And
Underneath the bridge, the tap has sprung a leak, And the animals I've trapped, well, they've all become my pets, And I'm living off the grass, and drippings
There's something in the way you held your head And the light silhouetting the sight Something's gotta give in this image For the beauty's ensuring soar
Перевод: Карина, Анна. Там в путь.
Перевод: Collective Soul. Там в путь.