Ты целуешь чью-то дочь, Играешь... Чем пугает глубина, Что грустит в её глазах - Не знаешь... Нас осторожно качают Волны спокойного сна. Глупые люди
Here they come again, pushing us down and pushing us around, we've gotta get to our feet again, they think they can have their way, pushing us down and
Stupid humans don't deserve to live. They take away more than they give. They always ask the question why. Stupid humans deserve to die. Kill them all
Damned if you do and you're damned if you never Damned if you feel alright Loafing and free, it's the same way every night And if you think you amaze
Scott became famous for freezing to death in Antartica. Columbus made history thinking some island was India. General Custer's a national hero for not
Can't tell your ass from a hole in the ground You'd lose your fucking head if it wasn't screwed on You smile and you nod like you understand I'll
Come sei mi rende libero mi fa pensare e non mi fa pensare Come sei mi lascia immobile mi fa comprare e non mi fa comprare Come sei confonde il limite
?why, why? A worn out word that people force on each other And what will happen if they stand up and say ? why not.. Take the risk, and grow up Need to
Here they come again, pushing us down and pushing us around, we?ve gotta get to our feet again, they think they can have their way, pushing us down and
Can't tell your ass from a hole in the ground You'd lose your fucking head if it wasn't screwed on You smile and you nod like you understand I'll slap
Перевод: Я могу сделать беспорядок как ничей бизнес. Глупые люди.
Перевод: Муфты,. Глупые люди.
Перевод: Разговорный. Глупые люди.
Перевод: Нулевой Cipher. Глупые люди (Make Me Сердитый).
Перевод: 30FootFall. Люди глупы.
Don't like it? Don't listen Go waste your time with yourself Stop hiding, complaining If you're so great you can do anything But you've worked out nothing
I'm surrounded by Idiots everyday Frustrated by the games that people play Confused by what the t.v says I need Lost in space and ugly too people act