Средь старинных скульптур и картин, И видит он Ту графиню, что с доблестным мужем на картине Вся в нарядах, в платье синем... Вор, подумав, нож свой достал, Графиню
и без славы, орденов и погон Ах, графиня, поверьте, наболевшему сердцу Я лишь в вас и в Россию, был страстно влюблён Соло Не пишите, графиня, нет в
Welcoming the virgins fair, to live a noble life In the castle known to all, the Counts infernal wife She invites the peasants with endless lavish foods
Carpathian Tales: Countess Bathory [M/L: Jevo] Born in Transylvannya In the frozen Carpathian lands Countess Elisabeth I Surrender my soul for you Your
Six hundred and sixty six bloodless virgins They were found from under the melting snow The youth of those tormented pale maidens Was stolen for the purposes
Countess from Hong Kong she moves so lightly Like the summer rain Every time I see and think about her It ends up the same Walkin' the streets out in
Contessa, Contessa, oh please leave your hat by the door Well, I thought I told you you couldn?t call round anymore And outside in the street and the
Originally performed by Venom Welcoming the virgins fair, to live a noble life In the castle known to all - the Count's internal wife She invites the
Collecting dust inside that liquor store 'till you bought it for me A decanter full of whiskey in the image of the King The more I drank from it the less
Non puoi piu pretendere di avere tutti quanti attorno a te. Non puoi piu trattare i tuoi amanti come fossero bigne. Vuoi solo le cose che non hai, parli
Sixhundred and sixty six bloodless virgins They were found from under the melting snow The youth of those tormented pale maidens Was stolen for the purposes
Giu tra i cespugli sotto l'altalena tra il saliscendi di scarpe di tulle un naso nero sbucava ferino dalla sua tana di nascondino Mentre intrecciava
The story of my life begins of what was once my dying Blood is pumping in my hearts two of them: one heart never dies The torture of my life begins what
Countess from hong kong she moves so lightly Like the summer rain Everytime I see and I think about her It ends up the same Walkin' the streets out in
En ce jour d'octobre, les chiens sentirent ma piste Les feuilles sur les arbres tournairent du rouge au noir Ton amour se transforma en de l'indolence
[Venom Cover] Welcoming the virgins fair, to live a noble life In the castle known to all - the Count's infernal wife She invites the peasants with endless