Два друга шли домой дорогой ночной. Вдруг разбойники из леса вышли целою толпой. Один парень зарыдал, на колени упал: "Ох не троньте вы меня, все для
Isn't it a pity, now, isn't it a shame How we break each other's hearts and cause each other pain How we take each other's love, without thinking anymore
Seed not found
Love is rare, life is strange Nothing lasts, people change Every time I lost another lover I call up my old friend And I say let's get together I'm under
Whenever back and forward again I feel like them Whenever back and forward again I feel like them now I got it right here Round two and knockout I got
For a straight-a student who knows so much You don't know nothin' 'bout love Well you and me make history There's no two hearts like us We'll go on,
Being a boy's like sucking on a lemon And I judge myself by the adverts I see My deodorant hides the real me These things elevate me above animals I
False Christ's And prophets rise Woe unto them Thus the smoke from thy dumb throat Shall hold your tongue Get thee behind me Blood shall mix With the
We turned water into wine but that didn't last We were the victims of our age Now we live on different floors And go our separate ways And talk behind
Given up hopin' for a miracle Cos the way I understand it Love always leaves you empty handed So many times thought love was here to stay But I would
Monsieur Firmin Monsieur Andre Dear Andre, what a splendid party The prelude to a bright new year Quite a night, I'm impressed Well, one does one's
I wrote a four word letter with post-script in crooked lines "Though I'd lived I'd never been alive" You know who I am, you held my hem as I traveled
You were a song I couldn't sing Caught like a bear by the bees with its hand in the hive Who complains of the sting when I'm lucky I got out alive A
Preacher went up to the Golden Gate, With the glow of love in his flowing hair. And met God there, I'm dreamin' of a time when love and music, Is everywhere
One touch that was all it took And I was hypnotized One look that was just enough To loose myself inside of you I wish I could stop the time To love
Latin beat style (guitar & instrumental) Ooh, pretty baby You're my inspiration You are my destination Lord, I've had the blues Yeah! ya, ya, ya Darling
Regret Every grateful word From every song youve heard for you misunderstood I never meant to make you feel this.. Good things never.. Last night you
summer (butcher two) saturday night the summer?s here under clothes hands disappear buttons slip they?ve gone stray with them thoughts have gone away