Диснейлэнд закрыт, ровно полночь на часах Элвису пора отдыхать Шоу повторится завтра, а сейчас — ты видишь, Король устал. Разочарование в твоих глазах
I woke up got my lazy ass out of bed I watered all the rocks growing in my head I had a thought, and fell asleep on you And there I was somewhere west
mickey's on the production line i'm a super mouse in time everybody's doing the goose step out in anaheim mastermouse gonna feel no fear mickey's gonna
No more Cigars from Cuba, oppression in East Timor, sedition in Zimbabwe, dollar crisis in New York. Skinhead thugs out on the streets in London and
I think the whole world should look good That's important to me Everyone should look good And when they die they should die with their boots on And their
Get pissed, you suck I know your kind I know the system I know it's not so fine I know the bees, I know the rains I know that logging can kill Oh, well
Smrt ma kouzlo nechtA?neho - Smim ji mit jen jedenkrat OchraA? nas od v?eho zleho - Co mit ji napoA?ad? MA?j stat je skladka vrakA? - Za modni A?tvrti
i want something more from this misery called life there's all this pain and strife it's hard to keep my dreams alive i dream of a place where all
Filho de imigrantes russos casado na Argentina Com uma pintora judia,casou-se pela segunda Vez com uma princesa africana no Mexico. Musica hindu contrabandiada
I Woke up got my lazy ass out of bed I Watered all the rocks growing in my head I Had a thought?and fell asleep on you? There I was somewhere West of
No more Cigars from Cuba, oppression in East Timor, sedition in Zimbabwe, dollar crisis in New York. Skinhead thugs out on the streets in London and Berlin
i want something more from this misery called life it's hard to keep my dreams alive there's all this pain and strife i dream of a place where all of
No non dimenticare disneyland e quel bambino che eri tu A piedi nudi su quel isola Non ti dimenticare piu no Come aeroplani volano Pianti senza accorgerti
Hijo de inmigrantes rusos casado en Argentina con una pintora judia, se casa por segunda vez con una princesa africana en Mejico. Musica hindu contrabandead
LATINOAMERICA un pueblo tan bonito, con sus paisajes y su gente, latinoamerica, va a rebentar, como petardo en navidad. invadiremos disneilandia y
Si, siempre decias: "quedate", y al final, tu volviste a la calle. Cuero negro y ganas de beber sin saber en que barrio quedarte. Disneylandia, no existe
La faccia l'ho persa bidoni fa avevo un bel vestito blu... il cibo per gatti ingoiato gia mi rese ispido, lunatico... Vorrei ritornare a Disneyland
Перевод: Барони, Алекс. Не забывайте Диснейленд.