Я инфицирован любовью неизлечимо. Пытался убежать, но давило страшно в бочине. Я так хотел ей спеть, но на меня плевала октава. И кто придумал мне стальную
Now you got it bad, now you got it bad Now you got the Mind Infection Now you got it bad, now you got it bad Now you got the Mind Infection Lately Ive
Что же ты, зараза, бровь себе подбрила, Ну для чего надела, падла, синий свой берет! И куда ты, стерва, лыжи навострила - От меня не скроешь ты в наш
The fly is the source of infection Some wild guy told me The fly is the source of infection Believe me it's not so The source of infection is you My fly
You can't dodge the subject, are you infected now? Mathematics and theology don't belong in the same sentence I'll do fucking cannonballs into repulsion
Another night of sodomy My girl her ass is so tight Now I plug her rear... But she forgot to shit Exchanging semen with excrement As I continue to fuck
In the back of my mind I can barely even remember When there was nothing left to hide And she had found a way inside Then I was forced to walk alone
Take one Hey Alright Woo How 'bout 'cha now, come on Oh yeah Dig it! That's right Is everybody ready? Let's go (Movin' up and down) Up 'n down (Round
Rip off the willing Rip off the dead Rip off this empty child Then wishful overheads We live here in believe? We're here to be obscene Through broken
With all the heartache, a hopeless state of mind With all the drugs we take, to lay back and unwind Two chances, for forgiveness Love builds up, resistance
You're black or white green or maybe yellow United for poor bullshit & sorrow Diguidiguiba just like the fucking cops You play the king in front of your
"I got my figures on the wall Comics stacked up in the hall I got a movie in my DVD player I got my music that I love And a girl sent from above I got
There was a time I was afraid Of getting close to you Your potency was quite threatening Fiber pure, touching scars Feels good to finally hold you It
I am the bastard son The expendable one War is in my blood Rage is in my heart The lone wolf inside me No home, no family Just wanted serenity But you
Suspicion growing A feeling I cannot control Communication, communication low The invasion is necessary, the dangers are secondary This was never meant
Impending doom, can't escape Pitch black at the lake The snow is falling, can't escape The evil approaches, I can't save you These problems don't have
It's just another sleepless night, the hunt is on Looking for anything to fill the void Make me feel alive Take me back to paradise 'Cause I'm walking
Faceless, subhuman, shattered souls I feed Experimenting, dead eyes watching me Bow down, sheep to the slaughter Bow down, follow the creator Into the