Ты ходишь в нижнем белье По квартире моей, Я понимаю-лето, жарко, но меня пожалей: Так издеваться нельзя И я начну скоро выть, А ты не слышишь меня И
Моя квартира как джунгли, В ней хищников полно. Они кишат в моей квартире, Но я привык к ним давно. Моя квартира как джунгли. В ней, в ней хищников полно
еще такой прогресс! Под одной огромной крышей и просторней и светлей, Ни к чему нам дом отдельный, вместе жить нам веселей. [Припев] Это коммунальная, коммунальная квартира
В Аркашиной квартире живут чужие люди, Ни Юли, ни Аркаши давно в тех стенах нет, Там также не сижу я с картошечкой в мундире, И вовсе не Аркашин там зажигают
Jackhammers outside my window woke me up again today And all the voices in my head well it's so hard to make them go away staying out all night looking
прайс,у медуз был в почете. А щас-будто слеп-ни в ад и ни в рай, но собутыльники шепнули:- Квартиру продавай! припев: " Давай,давай, Квартиру продавай
Call me out You stayed inside One you love is where you hide Shot me down as I flew by Crash and burn I think sometimes you forget where the heart
Ain't gonna no where when yo? tire is flat Better get religion, that's where it at Hey 'coz when it's all blown out, There ain't no doubt A can o
You live out where the street ends In a basement apt. With one of your friends And the tap drips all night Water torture in the sink The furnace is burning
Call me out you stayed inside One you love is where you hide Shot me down as I flew by Crash and burn I think sometimes You forget where the heart is
You called me from the room in your hotel All full of romance for someone that you met And telling me how sorry you were, leaving so soon And that you
I used to live in a two-room apartment Neighbors knockin' on my wall Times were hard, I don't wanna knock it I don't miss it much at all Oh yeah I'm
Do not ring the bell, there is nobody home The spirits around will haunt you, do not ring the bell There is nobody home Apartment 223, I'm very hungry
Come on, we can go on over you know to my place You know to the Pendergrass style You know come and go with me It won't be long just for a little while
I'm at my borderline I'm at my borderline Love you girl, but I just don't know why I, have to love you so When I make love to you when I make love to
(konishi/takanami) Translators: ed valdez, taichi azuma, jose c. cabesas, ted mills Kazegusuri to Rusuban denwa Cat food to Oki tegami Sayonara mo iwanai
Filthy and anonymous in Jackson, a dozen keys to nowhere in his hand Black madonna, won't you change his luck and find him fifty grand? 'Cause he's
Let's go. We hustle in a lil old apartment, with all the windows blacked out I'd put it on the 'hood if you cost me I'm a have to pull the straps out