Make the killing and wipe the blade, As it exits out my brain. Anti-social middle name. Save it. So c'mon c'mon! Safty first and ego last. Can't compete
nod my head when chalky finger pointing down when condescending tone alone the only sound when ruler hit my knuckle on the holy ground when every time
Перевод: Донован. Wynken Blynken и киваю.
Перевод: None More Black. Кивает Ничто.
Congratulations motherfucker. you've won this year's award for "biggest sack of shit i've ever shared oxygen with" you're too fucking dumb to be ignored
Make the killing. Wipe the blade as it exists out my brain. Anti-social? Middle name. Save it. So C'mon C'mon! Safety first, ego last. Can't compete
: Make the killing. Wipe the blade as it exists out my brain. Anti-social? Middle name. Save it. So C'mon C'mon! Safety first, ego last. Can't compete