. А любовь красавица, У каждого хоть раз, Она сбывается И поцелуями обратно возвращается, И в звёзды превращается, И в небе рассыпается, Ну а любовь красавица
. Конечно, помнишь, ведь такое не забывается, Но ты не понял главного – счастье не подкупается. История не прекращается. Он постепенно поправляется. Восточная красавица
Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small, to say the least Both a little
O allienda bella que fa bonita bonita que ta belle Je ne comprends pas francais so you have to speak to me some other way
Remember the first dance we shared? Recall the night you melted my ugliness away? The night you left with a kiss so kind Only a send of beauty left behind
(Quasimodo / Phoebus / Frollo) Belle, c'est un mot qu'on dirait invente pour Elle, quand elle danse et qu'elle met son corps a jour Tel, un oiseau qui
Et quand le temps se lasse De n'кtre que tuй Plus une seconde passe, Dans les vies d'uniformitй Quand de peine en mйfiance, De larmes en plus jamais
Belle C'est un mot qu'on dirait invente pour elle Quand elle danse et qu'elle met son corps a jour, tel Un oiseau qui etend ses ailes pour s'
This is breaking news That girl is bad news Shes a criminal, be on the lookout She wears Chanel, cause she likes the way it smell Love potion number 9
Sleeping Beauty: It was a Saturday night me and my homeboys decided to dip to the movies, and you know us. Always on CP time. So we entered the theatre
So in love sad as can be 'Cuz your pretty face has got the best of me Suddenly you came into my life And gave it meaning and pure delight Now good looks
When the snow turns black I'll be back - I'll be here Between the blinking of an eye Welcome back - Cavalier When the screams attack Before the newborn
I can smell the fear Hear the screams of pain I must kill or be meat I'll say to you On this planet of dirt Number one comes first This is our place
He watches witches weaving wonders Seeing the future past and present Of messages the universe sends Inside their crystal balls of thunder They summon
I lust a princess - A crystal queen Virginal whiteness is all that I dream My magic snow - Show me your real To make a contact - I'm dying to feel Watch
Take my hand and we'll be one You'll belong to the hellion It's a chance in a million Don't be scared on our way down Black your tears dry on me Friend
Gypsy woman calls me Caution leads the way Words or endless stories Reads from a book of night and day Crystals in her gaze Shows me of a place inside
You want to be the master blaster Killing yourself to win You let your body sweat burn faster Moulding a God of sin You've got the madness and the glory