Caesar, beware these days I pray thee, beware these days A vision, comes to the seer It fills my brain, I see your pain The nineteenth, nineteenth of
Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen, Fantasies lived times before. I split my brain, melt through the floor. Over clouds my mind will
Tie me up with sheets and hang me from your tree I'll stay out here all night, it doesn't even matter As long as I can see into your room and feel Like
Hey well, I'm the friendly stranger in the black sedan Won't you hop inside my car I got pictures, got candy, I'm a lovable man And I can take you to
Tie me up with sheets, and hang me from your tree I'll stay out here all night, it doesn't even matter As long as I can see, into your room and feel Like
[Music: Steve Harris] [Instrumental]
Caesar, beware these days, I pray thee, beware these days! A vision, comes to the seer, It fills my brain, I see your pain The nineteenth, nineteenth
[Iron Maiden Cover] Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen, Fantasies lived times before. I split my brain, melt through the floor.
Перевод: Arch Enemy. Мартовские иды.
Перевод: Мартовские иды. Автомобиля.
Перевод: Iron Maiden. Мартовские иды.
Перевод: Silverstein. Мартовские иды.
Перевод: Steel Prophet. Мартовские иды / Чистилище.
Перевод: Steel Prophet. Мартовские иды.