Fact is often much stranger Than fiction, no danger It?s easy to ignore it Hide your head and don?t look for It's ain?t no way to run a universe Someone
Running away from this earth May it pass away in the beautiful flames that it was created for Because when tomorrow fails to come Today is just not the
All your dreams, Are falling to pieces, So much to give, But so little to achieve, All of the warnings, Can't you see the signs ? Taking part of a game
Перевод: БАР. За Справедливый мир (Не забудьте, что я был ребенком).
Перевод: Джейн ребенка. Добро пожаловать в реальный мир.
: Que carajo esta pasando? No llegas a fin de mes Los politicos te cogen y eso vos lo sabes nino el mundo es una mierda, mierda padre eso lo sabes,
: What child is this that lay to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping Whom Angels greet with anthem sweet and shepard's watch are keeping This , this is Christ
What makes you do it Is it addiction or stupidity I can't stand the sight of it Smoking during pregnancy When will you see there's another life
Que carajo esta pasando? No llegas a fin de mes Los politicos te cogen y eso vos lo sabes nino el mundo es una mierda, mierda padre eso lo sabes, lo
What child is this that lay to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping Whom Angels greet with anthem sweet and shepard's watch are keeping This , this is Christ