кто то колится. Припев. Мне бы в небо,мне бы в небо. Здесь я был,а там я не был. Мне бы в небо,мне бы в небо. Здесь я был а там я не был. Новые районы
Pass away the hours Hear the footsteps of the past Walking up the stairs of time Knowing that I'm trapped The cold winds of indifference Persuade a movement
Pass away the hours, hear the footsteps of the past Walking up the stairs of time, knowing that I'm trapped Cold winds of indifference persuade a movement
Up in the air when you're with me Down in the dumps when you're gone You're out of sight, my day becomes night Everything seems to go wrong I'm like
The towers of London, these crumbling rocks Reality estates that the hero's got And every hour's marked by the chime of a clock And whatcha gonna do when
released on The Anniversary/Superdrag split EP Everybody's running from a cloud way up in the sky A human disguise - saw it in their eyes Everybody's
Up in the air, just above the clouds Looking out the window Oh what a beautiful sight Up in the air, way above the ground Unplug my ears and think What
(The Clash) The towers of London, these crumbling rocks Reality estates that the hero's got And every hour's maked by the chime of a clock And whatcha
Up in the air By your side Up in the air By your side I couldn't care Only you and I Up in the air Only you and I Cause I feel free And it's so over You
Перевод: The Clash. Мне бы в небо (не только здесь).
Перевод: HÃ ¼ sker DÃ ¼. Мне бы в небо.
Перевод: Н ° ¹ sker D ° ¹. Мне бы в небо.
Перевод: Роббинс, Марти. Мне бы в небо.
: (The Clash) The towers of London, these crumbling rocks Reality estates that the hero's got And every hour's maked by the chime of a clock And whatcha
Up in the air By your side Up in the air By your side I couldn't care Only you and I Up in the air Only you and I Cause I feel free And it's so over