Трубач на пляже, пляжный сезон Труба гармонирует с медным телом Скинь портупею, твоё тело белее Гораздо белее, скинь портупею. Упади с нами рядом, мы
In our cell you ask me do I wanna be a sailor In our cell you ask me do I wanna be a sailor I think dirt a suicide jump to run a self check Oh my girl
Hello, sailor, buy you a drink? Hello, sailor, tell me what do you think? How was the big beach, how was the sand? Did you fly an aeroplane, did you get
Komm in mein Boot ein Sturm kommt auf / und es wird Nacht Wo willst du hin so ganz allein / treibst du davon Wer halt deine Hand wenn es dich / nach unten
Стамбул и Париж Моряк моряк почему ты молчишь Давай расскажи ей ведь ночь коротка Как чёрту морскому свинтили рога Вино и гашиш Стамбул и Париж Моряк моряк
прямо в точку! Жаль, на суше не пожать вам руки: В море плавая подолгу в одиночку, Я по вас затосковал, моряки!" Мы, услыша что-нибудь, сразу - в строчку
Мне зеленую ветвь ойолайрэ дала На прощание дева со взглядом морским - Переменчив под солнцем был цвет ее глаз, Становясь то зеленым, то серо-стальным
Komm in mein Boot ein Sturm kommt auf und es wird Nacht Wo willst du hin so ganz allein treibst du davon Wer halt deine Hand wenn es dich nach unten
A sailor's life, it is a merry life. He robs young girls of their hearts' delight, Leaving them behind to weep and mourn, They never know when they will
G.............................................. Sailors of the highway, come to me in my dreams C..............b........bb...............g..... Sailors
They say it takes a worried man to sing a worried song For when that man starts singing you'd be surprised How many people sing along, sing along, yeah
Met an old man on the street, A dirty hat laying at his feet, I looked and saw adventure in his eyes, Singing them songs from yesterday, From over the
On a day of days I stood and gazed over the western sea I was completely dazed wide-mouthed and amazed when a mermaid called to me Oh-wo-oh-wo-oh Oh
Sailor Sally was her name Workin for the Pub-Marine Fish and chips and gasoline smelled on her ginger hair On high heels, so stumblin? Crooned a song
What would you be if the waves set you free And the wind in your hair brought you sailing to me Tied up on the shore would you weary no more? When will
bap-ba-bap-pab-ba (x4) oo-woah-oh It was a summer day, When you took my cares away When you whispered to me, And it was so sweet, She can blow us off
There is a hot wind blowing it moves across teh oceand and into every port. a plague. a black plague. there's danger everywhere and you've been sailing