, из краев, где дремлет солнце - Там мой дом в зеленых холмах Возьми янтарный перстень, жемчужную корону. Скорей поедем вместе в мой дом в холмах зеленых
- Плыла луна меж облаков. И ветер ветви шевелил. Пришли три женщины с холмов. И они оставили следа На седине росы ночной. Пришли три женщины с холмов
На зелёном холме в ожиданьи весны После долгой зимы накануне рассвета. Возле серых камней у холодной волны, У янтарной луны - кто спросит ответа:
Je l'ai vu pres d'un laurier, elle gardait ses blanches brebis Quand j'ai demande d'ou venait sa peau fraiche elle m'a dit C'est d'rouler dans la rosee
лежим на склоне холма Кверху ногами на склоне холма Люди на холме кричат и сходят с ума О том кто сидит на вершине холма Но у холма нет вершины
They came for him one winter's night. Arrested, he was bound. They said there'd been a robbery, his pistol had been found. They marched to the station
желаний с тобой. Нельзя посмотреть тебе в глаза: Блокадное время, прощальные сны. Боевой вертолетик как стрекоза. Что наша жизнь - холмы, холмы В
Boy, ever since I met you, it's like It's like I feel lost... but found Chorus TAKE ME TO THE HILLS WHERE THE SUN GOES DOWN I JUST WANT TO FEEL LIKE
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I am a child in these hills I am away, I am alone I am a child in these hills And looking for water and looking for life Who will show me the river and
When the rain is sports arena loud In the evening of a self-inflicted day And you're contemplating sides that might collide The hemlock society and life
I am gripped by what I cannot tell Have I slipped or have I merely fell I feel gypped my senses telling lies I've been stiffed by serpent's soundless
From the hills of the Shaolin All the Wu-Tang came, from far and wide From the hills of the Shaolin With an iron fist of fury and a mighty sword To fulfill
I'm floating in a black balloon O.D. on Easter afternoon My mama told me, "Baby stay clean There's no in between" But all you ladies and you gentlemen
Let's go to the house on the hill Let's go to where time stands still If you dare then come with me To the house on the hill and you will see Nothing
What if the world was out of trouble What if the world was out of pain Would it be a world that`s worth living in Without anything that`s worth a thing
God walks the dark hills The ways, the by ways He walks through the billows Of life's troubled sea He walks through the cold dark night The shadows of