Даже вдали от тебя Но как мне унять эту боль В последние дни октября. Я не забыл до сих пор Даже вдали от тебя Но как мне унять эту боль В последние дни октября
…Мой октябрь спаси мою душу я не нарушу покой… Arthuro EGO Холодный лёд, бокал коньяка, Разгонит кровь во мне, после первого глотка, Октябрь, сменил
Dawn awaits a sleepless, English town Of coloured gray Here I roam the streets without you As summer fades away ...down in the city at nights The cold
Today my bird flew away gone to find her big blue jay Starlight before she took flight I sung a lullaby of bird land everynight sung for my Ava everynight
Mr. Blue's Menu As she waits my table And she smiles when able from the inside And who would've thought a cup of coffee Would make my legs unstable Shaking
My weaknesses, Rear their ugly faces on a day to day basis. Stay calm and try to see this, I'm always sensitive relaxing, always delicately asking. But
Tomorrow I'm gonna find a way to die I'm living only for a lover And the death of you and I But if you find a way to break my back With needles, thread
If I can't crawl inside of you, I'm laughing with a broken face I stumble across my self esteem. But to picture the pleasure is making me want my space
The 21st. comes so soon every month An anniversary of not being strong enough You're much too co-dependent A shrink is recommended Your father tells
The sweet and somber pigeon wings, cant we all recall when MaMa and PaPa, were the sweet tooth Christmas Ball. A Picturesque holiday family. Of course
I ended the book that I'm writing. The part about you I'm tearing it out. A simple goodnight, stop fighting, There's nothing left to even read about.
It would simply say everything if you would take a pen and write my name on a friend who never cared to let me in. Then take a fast ravine that for three
He's scared Her ship arrived and came in yesterday The darkest side of Houston's finest day You fell alseep, my love And i fantasize That the wind blew
White kitchen walls with a thousand windows Turn on Winston in the den And I'm still asleep but I can hear the piano When you make breakfast after 10
I see your heart beat through the bedsheets I feel your pulse against the floor I sleep the sadness that no one else sleeps Feel me cunningly adore.
Have you ever been so lonely, No one there to hold? Pull me in or disown me, And then climb inside. My arms are open wide. Have a look inside. It is
A walk like a burned out porn star With aching feet for a car My buddy had a baby with a girl named star Makes me appreciate how the little things are
I must have sneezed On knees I freeze I mean I just choked up Somehow I slept I dream, I mean I dreamt of nothing Able to breathe A sweet relief Now that