Baby, now I'm gonna get my message to you And I hope that you believe in it too It maybe take some time but all that's in your mind You can make it come
Cradling stones hold fire bright As crickets call out to the moonlight And as you lean in to steal a kiss I'll never need more than this We all share
And so the story's told of a hearty group of men it's a tale of their triumphs and their woes. Be it raids and melees ancient or the modern can look
All of my heroes Are lettin me down I know every song by heart I've been to every show in town Well I got your new record Looked for it all of over all
We've been abducted My head corrupted Sharp shock commotion Stirs up confusion We failed to notice Blinded by daylight This grand delusion We lost the
Once more I get burned Kick out the closed gate 'Cos I'm ready to join the crowd I'm ready to unlock the padlock on my mind Twisted, torn, tension, tear
un huracan de palabras en la ronda a tabernas, orfeon cotidiano, entoname tu plan. salpica la sangre, de espuela enloquece. si no hay paraiso, ?donde
acorralado, entre tu futuro y mi pared, cuestionando cada una de las frases. ?sabes? nunca estuviste en la cancion, pero, tan dulcemente te entregaste
Acorralado, entre tu futuro y mi pared. Cuestionando cada una de las frases.?sabes? Nunca estuviste en la cancion. Pero, tan dulcemente te entregaste...
Un huracan de palabras en la ronda a tabernas, Orfeon cotidiano, entoname tu plan. Salpica la sangre, de espuela enloquece. Si no hay paraiso, ?donde
Stray cats with fish heads, feeding their litters Feral kids fight over rats, tailed from gutters Bookie mouth brokers, rotten fruit sellers Pickpockets
Canada...WAKE UP! Look behind you, your history's creeping Canada...WAKE UP! It's far too exciting for you to be sleeping A totally awesome selection
No, this has gone far enough When mouths run fast, fists attack, walls may crash but we're not We're not moving These nights mean too much to let
Heroes de hoy los muchachos que con rabia en los punos luchan por la vida heroes de hoy que dificil es enfrentarse al miedo sin tener ayuda si algo
And so the story's told of a hearty group of men it's a tale of their triumphs and their woes. Be it raids and melees ancient or the modern worker's struggle
Maybe it's too late And I missed the final call I though that this was over Maybe I was wrong Consider this my last reaf Mind it as the best It's time
un huraca?n de palabras en la ronda a tabernas, orfeon cotidiano, entoname tu plan. salpica la sangre, de espuela enloquece. si no hay paraaso, A?donde
acorralado, entre tu futuro y mi pared, cuestionando cada una de las frases. A?sabes? nunca estuviste en la cancion, pero, tan dulcemente te entregaste