Чувства разврата Дыша механизмами Колят сознания Пустующих особей Кто развяжет мои руки Разорвет оковы лжи Люди ищут оправдания В лучах угасающих света
The thought crossed my mind - how curious, Why should I want so much shut-eye? Fighting the darkness and furious, Oh, but I once more fall into the song
Thoughts through the window Of my mind's eye Bring another slice of terror Yet away with my fears I cross this pitiful world's end Drawn to the mortification
The story that I'm telling you Something that you can do Ask yourself and try to find the answer See the signs they're always there But you know you
Die Funken des Feuers steigen hoch in den nA¤chtlichen Himmel hinauf und wirbeln umher wie ein rasendes Sternbild, wA¤hrend das unruhige Licht meinen
Bite your tongue until it bleeds This pain is worth more than what you have to say Swallow your pride because silence is golden And I wouldn't pay a penny
I can't take this Forever I've wanted to be a lot more than just a person Not to play on the side of the humans We're forced to live and die in this
You are a paradox to me, a senseless maze I run around, I'm looking for you all of my days The more that you want it, the more that you need it Less
I'm on fire Burning with the question in my mind Strange desire Seems there's nothing else for me to find 'Cause I've been here, and I've been there
These solemn words whispered in a haze Could you even see me standing there? All wrapped up in insecurities that Won't stop spilling out all over me
The evening sun shines on the sea Forgotten dreams come back to me A river run dry returns in flood Running through my veins Running through my blood
??? to violent ??? I tried to find my own ??? And I'll rule ??? And create a perfect race ??? The voices I here are trying to conrol me Need to clean
how are we supposed to handle being dealt an unfair deck? don't you feel that spectral noose tightening around your neck? scholarly path or poverty'
[How the events of the 13th century are remembered today, and does it really have any boaring on today's society] A country splintered by religion Torn
[The thinking of the knights and mercenaries as they fought the Cathars, how they were paid for forty days at a time] Before the sun goes down they'll
[A short poem about the Castle that was home to the lyricists during writing of this album] 700 years of cold nights it's been there 700 years of power
[How, through their beliefs the Cathars tried to achieve a state of Perfection] Search! We can't eat no flesh no fowl Sleeping around is out Women are