Все пьют алкоголь, Хотя он крайне вреден, Но напиток Пепси-кола Чрезвычайно полезен. Ром и пепси-кола, Ром и пепси-кола, Ром и пепси-кола - Это все,
. Припев: «Пе»-поколение, «пси»-поколение, «ко»-поколение… «Пепси-Колы»… «Пе»-поколение, «пси»- поколение, «ко»- поколение... «Пе»- поколение, «пси»- поколение, «ко»- поколение… «Пепси
Они нас учат тому чего незнают сами, Наверное хотят моникулировать нами, Они навязывают нам то, что нам не надо В росте им нужно - тупоголовое стадо.
You're a whole new generation You're dancing through the day You're grabbing for the magic on the run You're a whole new generation You're lovin' what
Prefiero toda la miel a un gramo de sal Prefiero un raro comienzo a un mal final Y si se trata de dormir prefiero despertar Prefiero el sol a una lampara
Pepsi-cola sucks It tastes like fucking shit flush it down the toliet and get rid of it If you drink coke then you are in luck Don't drink Pepsi
Lupe Fiasco What up it's Lupe Fiasco You're watchin the Pepsi Max NFL audible Nick Javas Hello sports fans, we're coming down to the nitty-gritty Who
It's a tale of a guy named Zeke, Who has come here from Battle Creek. As he walks with his Pepsi can, He is bumped by the strangest man. He feels no wish
Man: You hear something new at fountains today People who think young say ?Pepsi, please? Britney: the lively crowd today agrees those who think
My heart won't skip a beat I never look before I leap Ride, just enjoy the ride Don't need a reason why Everything's alright (Alright) Take your time
Pink: We will, we will...ROCK YOU!! All: We will, we will rock you! Britney: Yeah... Buddy, you're a boy Make a big noise Playin' in the street You
Well, everybody got an opinion now, don't they? But it ain't no thing to me It really don't make any difference now to me If you don't like what you see
I don't need nothing else When you call I want you all to myself I just want you all to myself All to myself (all to myself) repeat 3x
Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, baaaa. joy of cola. ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, Ba, ba, ba, ba. pepsi cola.jump in just enjoy the ride, take your time
My heart wont skip a beat I never look before I leap ride just enjoy the ride there'll be no reason why cuz everythings alright take your time baby take
(Pepsi Commercial) The lively crowd today agrees those who think young say Pepsi please Pepsi For those who think young Come alive Come alive You're
It's a tale of a guy named Zeke, Who has come here from Battle Creek. As he walks with his Pepsi can, He is bumped by the strangest man. He feels no