покупаю бутылку. И снова вместо квартиры я возвращаюсь в подвал. Расправлю крылья свободы, забуду про все законы... И буду громко кричать Я объявляю протест
моя поэзия эмоции чувства эпизоды беру это из воздуха как радиочастоты и мне неважно кто ты и в каком ты месте на этой теме точно я сейчас с тобою вместе
Из неоплаченных счетов за телефон Я склею маленький кораблик. Пускай плывёт, пускай несёт тебе привет, Теперь ты можешь говорить что ты «с приветом…»
I'm not threatened by every pair Of legs you watch go by I don't cringe, when you stare at women It's just a thing called guy I don't notice your sideways
You still have time damn bastard To deny all your principles Otherwise we will apply the maxim Sentence and the church will claim Die for god, die, sacrifice
The savage mutilation of the human race is set on course Protest and survive, protest and survive It's up to us to change that course Protest and survive
He's the last of the protest singers, Selling truth and commitment, He don't get much work these days, He's billed as a novelty act, And he stands there
CHORUS: So your 13 and there's a silent scream out there, And you can hear it. Just your basic protest song. Now your 16 and there's a danger in the
Tonight I sat alone on the steps and stared into the blank sky; stars cloaked by smog, the poison of our own. And as the bitter air bit down I held
Don't ever ask us to define our morals Sometimes when fundamentals meet teenage heartbreak Some of us are all of us half-selves that love whole hopes
Enemies of Khanate strung on hooks Like pigs to slaughter, heads will roll Heads will roll, throats will be slit Blood will flow like springs of water
Thus now, he knelt before the ruins Cold of sweat, heat of flame And all the severed heads of those who brought the village The village to it's shame
Religion is killing all over the place, everyone is striving to be the master race. You fight for your freedom and you kill for peace, but your whole
Well, place your justice in my palm And then I'll make a fist And punch your grimaced face Until every knuckle breaks And bleeds in resistance to my sidewalk
Stepped off a chair so he could learn to let loose Learn to let loose before the pendulum wore off In his final sound a gurgle and a cough In his final
And when the underworld's Best kept secrets Saw it's own reflection I knew things had finally changed For better or worse Whatever as always Midlife
Compassion is shit, Soft-spoken words and a look of concern. The fire is lit. Emotion will never extinguish the flames That inaction has built. What
PUNK IS FUCKING DEAD! and its been killed by spiky haired kids that are being filled with the idea that the world is beautiful and free but they've been