взял Припев: Скорый поезд увези меня отсюда, Здесь оставил я давным давно покой. И осталась мне всего одна минута До того,как я услышу голос твой. Скорый поезд
Мелькает странная страна, А впереди туманы и дожди. ПРИПЕВ: Скорый поезд, стук колес, Не ответит на вопрос: "Где тот край, в котором рай до небес?" Скорый поезд
Well, you've been on a fast train and it's going off the rails And you can't come back, can't come back together again And you start breaking down in
Written by: myles goodwyn I read the colors this mornin' I read the colors today About a man who left from nowhere to be someone And every day he has
On a rainy Wednesday morning, that's the way that I was born in That old sharecropper's one room country shack They said my mommie left me the day before
(Van Morrison) Well you've been on a fast train and it's going off the rails And you can't come back can't come back together again And you start breaking
On a rainy Wednesday morning that's the way that I was born in That old sharecropper's one room country shack They said my mommie left me the day before
Перевод: Кейт Буш. Скорый поезд.
Перевод: Van Morrison. Скорый поезд.
Перевод: Вилли Нельсон. Я был в Грузию скорый поезд.
Перевод: Solomon Burke. Скорый поезд.
Перевод: Проволока: И все Soundtrack Pieces Материя,. Соломон Берк - скорый поезд.
Перевод: Проволока: Beyond Hamsterdam: Балтимор Soundtrack,. Соломон Берк - скорый поезд.
: On a rainy Wednesday morning that's the way that I was born in That old sharecropper's one room country shack They said my mommie left me the day
: (Van Morrison) Well you've been on a fast train and it's going off the rails And you can't come back can't come back together again And you start