вьюги. Глупые снежинки, кто вам виноват - Вы бы еще выпали, да в июле! Глупые снежинки... Капельки весны Падают с моей горячей ладони. Глупые снежинки
Просто падали твои игрушки на пол Просто ночь пришла, тебе хотелось плакать Просто падали не те дождинки с неба Просто я второй, а быть хотелось первым
В предверии новых дней И обернется снежинка вдруг Жар - птицей... И Новый Год что вот - вот настанет, Исполнит вмиг мечту твою. Если снежинка не растает
(konishi) Snowflakes... Snowflakes... Snowflakes... Snowflakes... ------------------ Snowflakes... Snowflakes... Snowflakes... Snowflakes...
A few kisses ago, you loved me Took your pocket knife, carved our names on a tree My heart skips a beat to whatever you say What have I done to make you
Though it's over And I cope somehow In the cold wind's blow I hear you What is now a dream For a while it was real And I can't conceal that I miss you
Ice, I'm moving your mental feet In complex dances and jigs I loosen up your consciousness Like a cyrical fix It's time to emerge from camouflage, leaves
I see all the snowflakes, falling down around me falling down, lovely and wide And all of these snowflakes, falling down around me seem so perfect, so
"Snowflakes" No longer I can conceal I have been faking That somewhere in my heart I feel a love so true And everytime I see your smile I find my
And well, I have to say If I don't know what I have to say If I could find a way Then I would find what I need to say Say something Say something that
Well, for a while it was amazing And I still think you're the one As long as we both want the same thing It's not hard to carry on Just place your hand
Here comes Suzy Snowflake Dressed in a snow white gown Tap, tap, tapping at your window pane To tell you she's in town If you wanna make a snow man I
I only wish for snow to fall On the palm trees in the dirt But here the sun will always shine (It'll always shine) Even if with the clouds it flirts
Snowflake Snowflake Snowflake Hey, hey, hey, snowflake My pretty little snowflake Ooh, ooh, the change in the weather Has made it better for me Hey,
Tonight I won't say tonight it's ok Always had a feeling it would pass Never ever thought it'd be this way Still I keep in mind that snow is safe Safer
In the green grass a young girl... dreams She's a flower in the field Well in my dream, you are real Whatever happens now they say is whatever we choose
Senses are on fire Senses are on fire Senses are on fire Senses are on fire Senses are on fire Senses are on fire Senses are on fire Senses are on fire
An empty hotel room Aren't you happy that you left it? Or maybe I'm just so sick Of how I fit this suitcase life Inside the overhead compartment Turbulance