Ты выбриваешь ирокез, Идешь по улице гулять. В районе гопников, воров Тебе придется выживать. Тебя шмонают мусора, В тебя прохожие плюют. А ты такой,
from the day you are born you are fed a story go to your grave with your country's glory fighting for your country fighting for your flag fighting for
The time has come to rise again Freedom, lift thy sewered hem Free from beasts and skewered me My dreams unroll ten thousand fold Their world will never
Der stechende Geruch von Ammoniak schwängert die Luft Gepaart mit den Ausdünstungen der Schweine Ihre hungrigen Schreie durchschneiden die Stille
Der stechende Geruch von Ammoniak schwangert die Luft Gepaart mit den Ausdunstungen der Schweine Ihre hungrigen Schreie durchschneiden die Stille Heut
Rotten fodder Crop, failure Your mother supressed you when you were a baby Hitler's rotten fodder Keep your head off of my door Fill your head
I don't want this fucking crap Feeding me this or telling me that I don't wanna work in a scabby factory Just more fodder for the sick society I just
The time has come To rise again Freedom lift thy sewered hem Free from beasts and skewered men My dreams unroll Ten thousand fold Their world will never
The song as written for you. You love that, and I hate it. It starts soft, so soft and sweet. You like that, do you like me? (I'm gonna break it down
Only a fool truly believes education to be bought and sold yet still we worry about make believe ivy leagues and secret societies of hallways and arches
Перевод: Действие действий. Никто не Кормовые.
Перевод: Cradle Of Filth. Гроб Кормовые.
Перевод: Симон, Нина. Кормовые В Ее крылья.
Перевод: Трагедия. Не порно Кормовые.
Перевод: Невидимый. Новые кормовые Всемирного.
Перевод: Вольфганг. Rotten Кормовые.
When you're lying on your back under the foot of brutality and gagging on the stockpile of junk left by past generations and apathetic mentality you can