мать без сына, Бери шинель, пошли домой. К золе и пеплу наших улиц Опять, опять товарищ мой! Скворцы пропавшие вернулись, Скворцы пропавшие вернулись, Скворцы пропавшие вернулись, Бери шинель
Innocent victim filled up with pills Or so it would seem to the rumbler scene Her getaway sticks made contact with bricks Caught skating around, now it
There's a man in a pitch black hat And his underwear's made of mud He jumps like a pouncing cat And he lands with a sickening thud His head is surrounded
Listen, big boy Now that you got me made Goodness, but I'm afraid Somethin's gonna happen to you Listen, big boy You gotta be hooked, and how I would
Listen, big boy, Now that you got me made, Goodness, but I'm afraid, Somethin's gonna happen to you! Listen, big boy, You gotta be hooked, and how
Innocent victim filled up with pills Or so it would seem to the rumbler scene Her getaway sticks made contact with bricks Caught skating around Now
Перевод: Синатра, Фрэнк. Кнопка Up Your Шинель.
Перевод: Хелен Кейн. Кнопка Up Your Шинель.
Перевод: Джон Уэсли Хардинг. Деревянные Шинель.
Перевод: Мерсер, Джонни. Кнопка Up Your Шинель.
Перевод: The Pink Spiders. Чикаго Шинель.