I took you for granted I believed you to be mine And the Love you planted Made me act the concubine Fear was covering ground Destroying your desires
My efforts of keeping you mine Died effortlessly tonight From Heaven I began my descent Its gates shut tight from me I'm still in heartache I feel
Ancients made Amends For their Pagan sins To the Slaves of Gods Who were Mad Kings In the mists of Millenias Like ghostships' captains sail Meaningless
She must Leave this house She's most desperately In Love To Leave is the last thing In the World she wants to do None of this is any Surprise To
A one way lane to Tragedy takes me in The Fears I face don't meet my Desires It's not possible that I'm this Weak And Tears of Grace on cheeks I hide
Обмотаны веревкой пальцы Любовью это называем мы И я тебе во всем признаюсь Только подожди Я для тебя поймаю звезды Они все спят, им снится осень И пусть
la sangre y todo se empieza a caer nuestro tiempo apesta a intento de cambio y solo la mierda se ve Fin de un mundo enfermo, fin de un mundo enfermo
Sentí que se alejó de mi, Nada pudo impedir su adiós. Hoy, no, hoy, no. Reacción tristeza sin control; El silencio me inund
You've been asking what will it take Will I ever again trust your face Forgive you for past mistakes Well why should I when my life's been based On
You don't make a move Don't make a sound I've got my eyes trained on you The target is found You waited too long Soon you'll be gone I'd rather stand
Nonpoint - The Shortest Ending When will the pages stop turning How could there possible be this many My fingers are burning from turning What feels
When you fall asleep Before the end of the day You start to worry Like when the taxi comes To take you away When you're in no hurry Yet as our hair
First time, I did it for the hell of it Stuck it on the back of my tounge and then swallowed it Second time, things are getting easier Blow me down, this
el fin ficciA·n ya nada interesa en el tiempo sin Dios extrema desapariciA·n atentados a inocentes son muestra de nuestra maduraciA·n fin de siglo llega
color es tu piel, no importa que ideologia llevas, yo se que aca pensamos igual. El alma brilla y no deja morir al sentimiento que crece sin fin, ya
Al fin y al cabo se que a trav's del tiempo voy, y ahora que vuelvo bien, sinceramente, te dir': solo gracias doy! Parece como si cuando se lo pedA¶
despertaran. Vicios nocturnos de terror humanos recobraran vida. Se abren las puertas de mi mas cruel pesadilla. Me entrego a un viaje sin fin y caigo