want to break. And therefore, I proceed to break it down. And therefore, I proceed to break it down And therefore, I proceed to break it down. And therefore, I proceed to break it down. [Verse 2:] I
therefore I proceed to break it down And therefore I proceed to break it down And therefore I proceed to break it down And therefore I proceed to break it down I bet you're curious How I
to break. And therefore, I proceed to break it down. And therefore, I proceed to break it down And therefore, I proceed to break it down. And therefore, I proceed to break it down. [Verse 2:] I
Перевод: Ciara. Я исхожу.
break. And therefore, I proceed to break it down. And therefore, I proceed to break it down And therefore, I proceed to break it down. And therefore, I proceed to break it down. [Verse 2:] I