el pecado en mi Me salvaste Es el mensaje de la cruz Es el mensaje de la cruz Que nos da libertad De tener hambre Dios Hambre de Ti La cruz es locura
cruz me salvaste Senor Todo dolor fue sanado por Ti Tu sangre limpio el pecado en mi Me salvaste Es el mensaje de la cruz Es el mensaje de la cruz Que
Перевод: Бредовый. Эль Mensaje де ла Крус (Message Of The Cross).
Перевод: Бредовый. Эль Mensaje Де Ла Крус.
This is the message of the Cross, that we can be free To live in the victory, and turn from our sin My precious Lord Jesus, with sinners You died For
This is the message of the cross, that we can be free, To live in the victory, and turn from our sin, My precious Lord Jesus, with sinners you died, For
Перевод: Бредовый. Послание Креста.
: This is the message of the cross, that we can be free, To live in the victory, and turn from our sin, My precious Lord Jesus, with sinners you died
This is the message of the cross, that we can be free, To live in the victory, and turn from our sin, My precious Lord Jesus, with sinners you died,