Honey honey, up in the trees Fields of flowers deep in his dreams Leave them out to sea by the East Honey honey, food for the bees Honey honey, out on
Honey honey, up in the trees Fill the flowers deep in his dreams Eat them out to sea by the east Honey honey, food for the bees Honey honey, out on the
Перевод: Злая собачонка. Honey Honey.
: Honey honey, up in the trees Fill the flowers deep in his dreams Eat them out to sea by the east Honey honey, food for the bees Honey honey, out on
Honey honey, up in the trees Fill the flowers deep in his dreams Eat them out to sea by the east Honey honey, food for the bees Honey honey, out on
Перевод: Злая собачонка. Тот, кто собирает мед.
Er ist lieb, charmant und kann so nett sein und zerrt jede galant in sein Bett rein er macht im richtigen Moment die allerschonsten Komplimente schmeichelt