Your faith is changed to follow demoniac ways (Demoniac ways...) Bodies are tied to instruments of torture Demons are now eating the pityful spirits that were inside (Inquisitors
Impossible de voir leurs visages! Ils...ils sont a quelques dizaines de metres! Impossible de voir leurs visages!(x2) Impossible de voir leurs visages
purify your poisoned veins there is yet a new tomorrow I will ease your pain ease your pain the fire's burning wild ease your pain the inquisition
Нет и нет, мне не до смеха, Нет окна и дверь размыта; Ведь пытать меня приехал Сам Великий Инквизитор. Инквизитор наседает, Подбирает инструмент; "Ты
Yo soy el detractor El que consume tus mentiras Vos sos el dictador el que dirige mi rutina Yo pobre y vos senor Soy el que traga tu consigna En cada
Called from the Pope I was named inquisitor It was the beginning of my empire Court of Seville, court of Madrid "I'll bring the law of God" Everyone
sorrow Purify your poisoned veins There is yet a new tomorrow I will ease your pain Ease your pain, the fire's burning wild Ease your pain, the inquisition
Holy Church This court sentences you to Death Penalty! You'll burn on the stake to purify your faults By the will of the Supreme Judge: The Grand Inquisitor
mercy, receiving the absurd flesh before it's ghastly fecundation And they all come to me, and answers resounds in nothingness For the fifth inquisitor
sorrow purify your poisoned veins there is yet a new tomorrow I will ease your pain ease your pain the fire's burning wild ease your pain the inquisition
of death forced foes to pee Witchfinding tribunals High council hearing Let Heretics and Jews the inquisition bearing Hammer of Heretics Light of Spain Death by fire the Inquisitors
Conecta tu conciencia al creador quien nos dio el existir. Para aislarte del mal y su error y empezar a vivir Sin ser parte de la confusion, que es, el
Connaissez-vous La chanteuse sorciere Celle qui fit fondre Un c?ur de fer? Celle qui transforma Son tortionnaire Le grand inquisiteur Qui lui ouvrit son
Перевод: Смерть SS. Инквизитор.