incidents to dissapoint the rules Jacky, Jacky You've gotta escape Before it's too late And, Jacky, believe me When we wait, you're too late You're too late Jacky, Jacky
So you like Sunday picnics And yelling at the umpire at a baseball game Window shopping, popcorn popping Wading through the puddles in a summer rain And
Jacky, she's a fake whore She'll obstruct you on your way And she'll hit you and she'll beat you every day And, Jacky, she's a fake whore And she's seen
Yeah, Jacky Don Tucker was my daddy's little brother And at seventeen he jumped the fence He joined a rock 'n' roll band, put a tattoo on his hand My
This is the last story I will tell; it's all going to hell. Stuck with your head in the wall and that's how it has always been. Your eyes tell stories
It's what you want now, but you can't have it all: it's time to raise the stakes. This time we wait again and again. The reflection of all you are is
Your voice, it's a killer. And so far away. Your voice, it speaks to me through time: "what the hell are you thinking?". And I know I was wrong, but I
Think about it; the wrong places, the wrong faces would start with the killing of every child. This is not a matter of life and death anymore. We will
Yeah, Jacky Don Tucker was my daddy's little brother And at seventeen he jumped the fence He joined a rock and roll band, got a tattoo on his hand
tree And no pink elephants I'd see Though I'd be drunk as I could be I'd sing that song they sang to me About the time they called me 'Jacky' If I could
(Once) there was a boy in our town, a little boy with a dog. The closest friends I've ever seen down here. Suddenly his dog ran off. Jacky was gone. "
So you like Sunday picnics And yelling at the umpire at a baseball game Window shopping, popcorn popping Wading through the puddle in a summer rain And
C'est fou ce que le temps passe vite T'as vu c'est ce que je me dis aussi Quand je vois le chemin qu'on a parcouru jusqu'aujourd'hui Je repense a notre
dresse la rime et tchache sec, ca tu le sais deja, j'atterri sur ce beat avec Mystik, Rohff et Pit (baccardi) Jacky mon acolyte me court-circuite JACKY
Travailler c'est trop dur Et voler c'est pas beau Demander la charite Neg' Marrons peut pas le faire Jusqu'a ce jour, j'ignorais ce qu'etait le monde
loin de la realite 20 ans, la realite n'est pas toujours bonne a voir 20 ans, nos reves d'enfants en fait n'etaient qu'illusoires Jacky Quand j'etais
Jacky Don Tucker was my daddy's little brother And at seventeen he jumped the fence He joined a rock 'n' roll band, got a tattoo on his hand Granny said