Было всё путём, ну разве не соблазн для экстримала Сунуться в капкан, а потом назад В жизни у неё многое так ярко засияло Но пленница цветка слабей, чем
Вы лили запах лилий А я не замечала, Лили запах лилий, А я не понимала. Вы сладости хранили во внутренних карманах Сладости носили, во внутренних карманах
Распростерла над городом ночь необъятные древние крылья, И просыпались первые звёзды в прорехи на старом плаще. У меня в саду за окном распустились лунные
Se sou tinta Tu es tela Se sou chuva Es aguarela Se sou sal Es branca areia Se sou mar Es mare-cheia Se sou ceu Es nuvem nele Se sou estrela Es de encantar
'est la vie, Lily Quand tu vas dans les rues de la ville Tout le monde t'admire et tes sourires Et ta jeunesse font rever les soldats C'est la vie, Lily
Поделись со мной своей любовью Подари тепло и нежность губ я хотела век прожить с тобою обними меня скорей мой друг как порывы ветра на востоке нас уносят
I wanna be rich and I want lots of money I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds I heard
It's five o'clock In the morning Conversation got boring You said you'd go Into bed soon So I snuck off To your bedroom And I thought I'd just wait there
I don't wanna hurt you cause I don't think it's a virtue But you and I have come to our end Believe me when I tell you that I never wanna see you again
I could say that I'll always be here for you, But that would be a lie and quite a pointless thing to do, I could say that I'll always have feelings for
Would you please take me away from this place I cannot bear to see the look upon your faces And if there is some kind of god do you think he's pleased
He wasn't there when I needed him No, he was never around His reputation was preceding him And he was out on the town It didn't matter if he let me down
When we were growing up you always looked like you were having such fun You always were and you always will be the taller and the prettier one People
Look inside, look inside your tiny mind and look a bit harder cause we're so uninspired so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor so you say it's
I see you from the sky And I wonder how long it will take me to get home I wait for an hour or so at the carousel I have a cigarette to pass the time
When she was 22 the future looked bright But she's nearly 30 now and she's out every night I see that look in her face she's got that look in her eye
A picture paints a thousand words, As one door closes, another one opens, And two wrongs don't make a right Now good things come to those who wait, Take