Страницы Страницы прошлого всё листает Нескончаемо я теряю Сквозь столетия понимания Я рисую твоё сознание Я... Но я не хочу бороться с миром Я не
We'll be close as pages in a book My love and I So close, we can share a single look Share every sigh So close that before I hear your laugh My laugh
Think of your fellowman Lend him a helping hand Put a little love in your heart You see it's getting late Oh, please don't hesitate Put a little love
Waste of paper and ink Biding my time While fighting sleep Preventing health Trying to satisfy myself The day is over I can't get over it I must move
Перевод: Ковердейл и страницы. Take A Look At Yourself.
Pagine di un libro, un libro ancora nuovo pagine piegate e non si sa perche dialoghi banali, risposte fredde e dure culture assai diverse, non dipende