breeze in a night so dark and silent as in the realms of death Through the horizont they now come forth, in the streams of nothing going toward eternity
punches until he could no longer speak. Eriel's heart sank. Had he misjudged Challis and entrusted his people's future to a reckless youth? Eriel's mind
him eternal pain. His soul is slaughtered. Eternalizing bane. Scream in silence, noone shall hear his cries encaged. The unroyal king, surrended to the child
alone by the edge of a river He's traded his life for a glass full of tears The bargain was quick for one's life is less dearer When the sand's running
attempt to obtain the Tenth Symphony, Mephistopheles points out through a window to a child sleeping in the gutter. He tells the old man that he owns this child's