-hot under earth With the face of angel In flirt with sin His voice in eternity Non Serviam Immortals Sum Anni non vexaverunt me Mille suboles certat
Emotion - Buring wooden icons Menial man - In the candleshadow Notorious King - Unblessed & Isolated Open his wings Lord himself Enter to abyss
: In the messy forest Metabolism of the wolf Mirage of reality When the chacal came into view Mining of clear power Reach manhood in pure steel It's
: Emotion - Buring wooden icons Menial man - In the candleshadow Notorious King - Unblessed & Isolated Open his wings Lord himself Enter to abyss
watch all your moves Quarter fo a year Is enough The triangle cover all angles Just touch the ground & See your hands Two thousand years after christ
: Nost I'm the Glory The symbol of Lory Bring me the crystal Univerce i'm your lord now Panthers around my throne My daughter's blood My palace appear
: Excavate the ancient tomp Expansion of my doom Converge to the empty coffin A kingdom under catacomb Furrowed background Self - Abnegation And a flute
: [instrumental]
of Musthmur Bless him Oh faithfull servant, oh faithfull beast Flatter my will, follow my path Revive my wrath Romanian moon, the count rides moonlight Call me to serve
: Petrified shadows Malevolent motives Open the fifth gate of lent Enter to a snowy fantasmagoria Emerge from nowhere No father no mother An unnature
: Ride this glorious night All lords from beyond Galaxial dust above the cosmic temple Decisions have taken Stars turn to dark The chains are tighter