you die Spit sperm This moral bankrupt stinking vat Spit sperm Of shit fueled lies and empty highs Spit sperm Bled between these piss stained lines Spit sperm
Midnight, all the kids are asleep Moonlight makes them breathe in so deep Inside, hunger cuts like a knife Upside, I can smell the real life I'm climbing
Schlag mir ins Gesicht Dafur kuss' ich dich Schlag mir ins Gesicht Du beruhrst mich nicht Schlag mir ins Gesicht Fur dich ist das Pflicht Schlag mir ins
Why don't you touch me? Why don't you move me? My little darling Why don't you prove me? You wanna suck - You need your 1st cock I'm gonna teach you
Lasset euch die Liebe lehren Lasset euch zum Heil bekehren Lasst uns allem i??bel wehren Breitet ihm den Weg Lasst euch von der Si??nde li??sen Lasset
Spurst du das Leben in dir Du bist nicht lenger allein Mich wirst du nie wieder los Uns wird man nie mehr entzwein Hor' auf dich lenger zu wehrn Und
Ich bin wie Gott Und Gott ist wie ich Ich bin so gross wie Gott Er ist so klein wie ich Er kann nicht uber mir Und ich nicht unter ihm stehen
Du hast die Macht der Nacht Deine Sehnsucht bringt dich zum Schrein Denn heute Nacht hast du Das Gefuhl unsterblich zu sein Du siehst mich all und an
Bad milk comes in your mouth Bad milk burns on your tongue, makes you afraid Bad milk runs in your gorge Bad milk, now you are here, now it's too late
Dust in the sky - Another bullet for the head of a lie Where is the sun? - It is so far away The sun is gone - Only you gotta stay Don't mind if their
Last night I lost control Thought my shells were strong enough. So many different deaths Making love to me, Sucking me, granting delight. And my sperm
every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted God gets quite irate Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted
Doubting, trying Not to look at the face if the man who is dying To look for the face of the man who is lying The ambler gambler is low and loaded His
Don't say it's groovy Don't say that to me Don't say I've had my chance Missed a pill, it's no big deal (Oh no) Pat my belly and I'll squeal (I missed
sperm, spit sperm Spit sperm, spit sperm Your TV is my teacher Confessional and preacher Forgive me, Lord, for all this hate I simply am inebriate Spit sperm
{Holy Virgin Mary Buy my Sperm} If you want and have the wealth to be free Maybe I can help you make another me Many things are possible and equally