Mirror collect what?s left inside, to rise out of it It?s all in her faults and it?s all in her mind (here nor there) The feeling to leave grew fiercer
i, defined as beaten and swollen i, defined as sweetened and full and would find it hard to relate to memories with out any weight It?s not about you
Opportunity floods me Still I?m swimming towards air I?m always safe on the surface So certain I?m where? I need to be fighting for something I need to
Missing connections No doctor for this patience Kin never seems to care much We move around so often You say, ?Hold on to you belong to, so they belong
We?re going no where fast On the tip of your lip I can see all the questions we wanna ask Seeing you does not hurt No, not as much as we think it deserves
I?ll kiss you tight and hold you soft Dig a hole to fill with light When lightning strikes your head, and it?s distracting you to death i?ll throw my
If I fail to trust my insides, they?ll give out on me They?ll leave screaming traitor, with mouths like sailors Oh my instincts will run, but all work
I feel alone, all alone. She?s the one for me, tell everybody. She?s the one I love, sent from above. I feel alone, just like before. Love everybody,
I know it was the best winter you ever had But you can?t live there any longer Cause it?s dead and forgotten And growing further away With every passing
... (a toast to the) Sun... Oh what a beautiful day today! today's a day to celebrate grab your bucket, grab your spade we're heading down to Half Moon
toast to the) Sun... Oh what a beautiful day today! today's a day to celebrate grab your bucket, grab your spade we're heading down to Half Moon
to forget the cracks and the lines of my face. So Jetsabel cleaned out the closets for me and she piled the boxes in the hall Tomorrow when she wakes
Tomorrow when she wakes she'll come take them away And they will never haunt me again But it is still hard to sleep with the moon's heavy beams I run
new mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Summer and winter and springtime and harvest Sun, moon
sun Or a wild raging river always on the run Change direction like the strong four winds that blow Just take me with you when you go Today, tomorrow
news from nowhere Yeah, more news from nowhere, alright And don't it make you feel so sad Don't the blood rush to your feet To think that everything you do today Tomorrow
Do you think about the moon? Made you feel real special 'cause it followed you everywhere Do you think about the sun showers? The way you like to run