shall be one under the sun Right here in the power of the light Come to the summer Welcome to the sun Come to the summer Welcome to the sun ...welcome
Welcome good old sun There ainA't no love when you donA't come Welcome sun. welcome , welcome Welcome good old sun Send out your light to everyone Show
be one Under the sun Right here in the power of the light Come to the summer Welcome to the sun Come to the summer Welcome To the Sun.... Welcome
Welcome good old sun There ain?t no love when you don?t come Welcome sun. welcome , welcome Welcome good old sun Send out your light to everyone
Перевод: Alphaville. Welcome To The Sun.
Перевод: Fool's Garden. Добро пожаловать в ВС.
Перевод: Sun. Добро пожаловать в Эстонию.
: Welcome good old sun There ain?t no love when you don?t come Welcome sun. welcome , welcome Welcome good old sun Send out your light to everyone
the sea and sand I'm a surface ever-changing I get burdened by the things I just don't understand And all the mountains left to climb But then the morning sun